How To Earn Money From Blogging?

How To Earn Money From Blogging?

Today here we are going to talk about How To Earn Money From Blogging? Here we will know in detail about the ways in which you can earn money from blogging.

You must have heard the name of blogging and if you have no idea about it, then let me tell you that you search for anything on Google and you see many websites there.

The way you do How To Earn Money From Blogging? If you have come to this blog after searching, then it is a blog and I am making income from it by creating this blog, then it is blogging.

If you also want to learn blogging, then you can Subscribe to our YouTube channel, where we have told in great detail how you can do blogging and earn money.



If you “How To Earn Money From Blogging?” When you search about this thing, you find blogging them is a very important way by which you can earn money with the help of the internet.

You have just heard the name of blogging and you want to earn money from it, then you should stay for a while and know about it well, then you should start blogging.

First of all let me tell you that blogging is very hard work, it is not a short-term way to earn money, if you want to start blogging then you have to give it a good time and by dedication, you can start blogging. will do.

What Is Blogging

If we try to understand blogging in minimum words then –

Blogging is such a way to earn money from the Internet, by which you create a website and post content regularly on it and with the help of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), get it ranked in Google and other Search Engines by taking traffic from there in many ways. earn money.

If you do blogging, then you will have many problems in the beginning like there will not be much traffic on your site and you will not be able to work with the same motivation for a long time but you have to maintain your motivation and blogging with determination. You will definitely get success in this.

To do blogging, you have to focus on Smart Work more than Hard Work because, with the help of Smart Work, the hard work put in the right direction shows its effect quickly.

For those who are hearing about blogging for the first time, these two questions must have come to their mind, then we solve these two questions of yours first.

Can you Earn Money From Blogging?

If you think that money cannot be earned from blogging, then I want to show you some proof of my earnings, which you can see by seeing how much money can be earned from blogging.

Adsense Earning Proof By Blogging

We hope that you must have believed that money can be earned from blogging too and there are many people who are making their living with the help of blogging only.

How much money can be earned from blogging?

You have seen that money can be earned from blogging, but still, if you have doubts that how much money can be earned from blogging, then I want to tell you that the smart work you will do and your work. The more dedication you do, the more money you can earn from blogging.

You will get less money initially from blogging, but with time will increase your blog will become old, and your traffic will increase, in the same way, you will start earning so much from blogging that you can make a living on the income from blogging.

How much money can be earned from blogging that a person can easily fulfill his hobbies?

How To Earn Money From Blogging?

यहाँ पर आपको आपके प्रश्न Blogging Se Paise Kaise Kamaye? का उत्तर मिलेगा, यहाँ पर हमने 10 ऐसे तरीके बताये है जिनसे आप Blogging से पैसे कमा सकते है।

Best Ways to make money from Blogging!!

Here you will get your questions Best Ways to make money from Blogging? The answer will be found, here we have told 10 such ways by which you can earn money from blogging.

Best Ways to make money from Blogging!!

The first and most used way to make income from your blog is by placing ads on Google AdSense or other Ad networks on your blog.

If you want to make an income from your blog, then you have to do an advertisement on your blog, you can do that through Google AdSense or you can do that advertisement through any other ad network like or ezoic. Accordingly, gives income in Dollars.

Affiliate marketing

Another great way to earn money from a blog is you can sell any company’s products from your blog and take its commission.

Those products can be of both digital and physical types, whichever product you want to sell or the category in which your blog is, you can join Affiliate Programs of the same category and generate good commission by selling their products.

It is mainly seen that Affiliate Commission is high in Digital Products and Competition is also very high in Affiliate of Digital Products.

If your blog is new then you can sell physical products of your category and generate good commission from them.

Here I am giving links to some Affiliate Programs that you can join.

Sponsored Post is a very good way to earn money from Blog, in this, you can get a very good amount for just one article, let me explain to you in detail about Sponsored Post.

Suppose one of your posts is ranking at the top in Google on the keyword “Best Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi” and you have included 10 Digital Marketing Agency in it. I have put an agency at number five and that agency contacts you through your blog and tells me by paying money that if you put their agency on the first number in your post, then you ask them on a Monthly or Permanent basis at number one. Can take a good amount to put.

If that Digital Marketing Agency which has placed its fifth number advertises on Google with the help of Google Paid Ads, then it has to spend more but less money than that, it can take clients after seeing you because you are ranking top in Google.

Similarly, you will have to research your keywords well to get a sponsored post and after a lot of research, you can get some commercial keywords for which you can be ready to pay a good front.

Guest Posting 

The DA PA of your blog is good and your blog is old, whose authority is very good in the eyes of Google, so many sites would like to take backlink from you, then you can give them backlink through Paid Guest Post so that you can get one for your website. You will get High-Quality posts and you will get a lot of money instead of giving a link.

Before giving a backlink through a guest post, you should check the website of the front to see whether that website is good or not, if that website is not good and there is no high-quality content on it, then you should not give a backlink to it because it will ruin your website. The image is bad and this can have a negative effect on your site.

Sale E-Books

If good traffic comes to your website and visitors trust you, then you can sell them any Premium E-Book which is made on your own, keep in mind that you give premium information in it which will give real to your visitor. Come in handy and be worth it for your selling price.

Sale Course 

If the visitors to your blog trust you and you have regular readers, then you can sell your course to them, in whatever field you have mastered, you can take a course in that field and complete your experience in that course. Or you can squeeze all your work and sell it by setting the price according to your hard work, you can earn good money and can also help your visitors.

Keep in mind that there should be value in your course, the amount of money you are taking from your visitors, they should get the right knowledge of so much money.

Direct Advertisers

You can put Google AdSense or other Ad Networks as well as Direct Ads on your blog.

If I explain to you Direct Ads, like my website is related to blogging and a hosting company comes and tells me that we will give you XYZ Amount every month If you put the banner of our website on your website, then you will be based on that XYZ Amount for 1 month. For this, you can put the banner of that hosting site on your website, this is called Direct Advertisement.

Earlier we have talked that many websites give you guest posts to get backlinks from you and in return, you can also charge money from them but some sites give you more money to get backlinks from you than in any of your earlier posts. Wants to get a backlink.

Like my website is ranking on top on a keyword and some other site gives me money and tells me that you give me a link from that post and if its site is good then I can take a lot of money from it, just one For Backlink.

Direct linking is a very good way by which you can earn a lot of money from your website without much effort.

How much money you will get for giving a link, it depends on the authority of your website or rather depends on your DA PA.

By Offering Premium Services

You can also earn money by giving premium services through your website.

For example, my website is in the blogging niche, and someone wants to migrate his site to Digital Ocean, but he does not know how to migrate his site to Digital Ocean, so I can do this work instead and use my time. I can charge him money accordingly.

You can take your clients through your website. Many bloggers work through Fiverr by taking clients from their website, which makes your profile strong on Fiverr and you also start getting clients from Direct Fiverr Gig.

You can create a page on your blog in which you can explain in detail what services you can provide and what you will charge on an hourly basis for those services.

Personal Branding

You can earn a lot of names with the help of your blog Whenever it comes to Personal Branding, people think that Personal Branding can be made only from YouTube but no there are many people who are not so popular on YouTube but The whole world knows him because of blogging.

With the help of blogging, you can make yourself a brand, initially, you will have to work very hard to create personal branding and when you start knowing people in the blogging or digital marketing industry, then you can earn a lot of money based on your personal branding. Huh.

Like an agency is doing a digital marketing seminar, then it can give you a huge amount just to invite you to your seminar because you have made yourself a brand in the entire digital marketing community with the help of blogging.


Today you learned in detail How to earn money from blogging? We hope you have understood that money can be earned from blogging and with the help of blogging you can do a lot in your life.

In today’s time, blogging is not only a hobby, but it has become a serious business, you can earn both name and money by doing this business. If you want to watch videos related to Web Designing and Online Earning, then you can also visit our Web9 Academy channel.


About the author

Hi , I am Ajay Singh Patel.
I am a web designer and content creator. Through my blog, I intend to create simple and easy-to-understand content that will teach you to start online journey !

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